Gathering & Seminar ACE Bali | Dec 17, 2016
‘Gathering & Seminar of Asosiasi Chief Engineer (ACE) Bali on 17 Dec 2016 at Hotel Aston’ with topic of Digital Hospitality Solution. PT. Australindo Graha Nusa participated in sponsoring gifts for doorprize, and name tag & participants shirts for the ACE event participants.

Seminar & Expo ACE Banten | Dec 14, 2016
‘Seminar & Expo of Asosiasi Chief Engineer (ACE) Banten on 14 Dec 2016 at Allium Hotel’ with topic of A Realible Engineers To Meet MEA & Green Building.

Gathering-Seminar ACE Jawa Barat (Bandung) | Nov 26, 2016
‘Gathering & Seminar of Asosiasi Chief Engineer (ACE) Jabar (Bandung) on 26 Nov 2016 at Grand Ballroom Hilton’ consists of seminars with the topic of Rejuvenation For Building Efficiency.

Gathering-Seminar ACE Jawa Tengah (Yogyakarta) Nov 12, 2016
‘Gathering & Seminar of Asosiasi Chief Engineer (ACE) Jateng (Yogyakarta) on 12 Nov 2016 at The Empire Palace Surabaya’ consists of seminars with the topic of Berbagi Pengalaman Tentang Penelitian & Penemuan Dalam Teknik Operasional.

ACE Sumut | Oct 8, 2016
‘Seminar & Gathering of Asosiasi Chief Engineer (ACE) Sumatra Utara on 8 October 2016 at Hotel Karibia Boutique Medan’ consists of seminars with the topic of Utamakan Safety Dalam Aktifitas Kerja.

4th Gathering Anniversary-Seminar ACE Kepri Sep 17, 2016
‘ACE Kepulau Riau 4th Birthday Anniversary and Gathering’ at Hotel Novotel Batam on 17 September 2016. PT. Australindo Graha Nusa has worked together with ACE Kepulauan Riau in achieving a successful exhibition, seminar and birthday celebration.

Expo & Workshop ACE Bali | Aug 26-27, 2016
‘Expo & Workshop ACE Bali on Aug 26-27, 2016 at Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel’ consists of product exhibition and seminars with the topic of Engineering, Hotel & Tourism.

Seminar & Gathering ACE Banten | Jun 3, 2016
‘Gathering & Seminar of Asosiasi Chief Engineer (ACE) Banten’ on 3 June 2016 at Hotel Soll Marina. PT. Australindo Graha Nusa has worked together with ACE Banten in celebrating their first formation of ACE Banten.
Zet Gathering-Seminar ACE Jawa Timur Malang May 21, 2016
‘Gathering & Seminar of Asosiasi Chief Engineer (ACE) Jatim (Malang) on 21 May 2016 at Atria Hotel Malang’ consists of seminars with the topic of Leadership Skill for Excellent Performance.

Seminar-Gathering Anniversary ACE Sulawesi Selatan May 14 2016
‘Seminar & Gathering 2nd Anniversary ACE Sulawesi Selatan‘ consists of seminars with the theme of Preventive Maintenance Management.

Seminar & Gathering ACE Jawa Tengah (Solo) | 30 Apr, 2016
Seminar & Gathering of Asosiasi Chief Engineer (ACE) Jateng (SOLO) on 30 April 2016 at The Sunan Hotel Solo consists of seminars with the topic of Motivation to Improve the Professional Competence Engineer.

Seminar & Gathering III ACE Pekanbaru | Apr 9,2016
‘Seminar & Gathering III of Asosiasi Chief Engineer (ACE) Pekanbaru on 9th April 2016 at Grand Central Pekanbaru’ consists of seminars with the topic of “Comfortable in High Risk Building”.

Workshop-Gathering ACE Jawa Barat (Bandung) | Nov 21, 2015
Workshop & Gathering ACE Jawa Barat Consists of product exhibition and seminars with the topic of Life Cycle Cost Analysis for Building Efficiency.

Seminar & Gathering ACE Jawa Timur (Surabaya) | Nov 7, 2015
‘Seminar & Gathering ACE Jawa Timur’ Consists of product exhibition and seminars with the topic of Excellence Through Service. Products that were introduced includes: BΩSS electrical wiring accessories, BΩSS piping system and Integrated Control System.

Workshop-Gathering ACE Sumatra Utara Medan Sep 12, 2015
With more and more problems occurring in the building and engineering industry; both in the operational and maintenance field, this year’s ACE SUMUT workshop and gathering focuses on the theme: Medan’s preparation in facing MEA: Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean 2015 (MEA – Asian Economic Society)

Expo-Workshop ACE Bali Aug 14-15, 2015
PT Australindo Graha Nusa has worked together with ACE Bali to raise awareness and motivation in product knowledge and ways to conserve energy via our products.

IABHI | Jun 16, 2015
Ikatan Ahli Bangunan Hijau Indonesia (IABHI) held a one day seminar covering the topic of Green Building: Indonesia’s Ability in Continuous Building Development.

Smnr Gathering 7th Anniversary ACE Jawa Tengah Yogya Jun 6, 2015
PT. Australindo Graha Nusa has worked together with ACE Jawa Tengah in achieving a successful exhibition, seminar and anniversary celebration.

Gathering Anniversary ACE Sulawesi Selatan Makassar May 9 2015
Gathering & 1st Anniversary ACE Sulawesi Selatan consists of seminars with the topic of System Management in health and safety measures in the workplace.

Gathering-15th Anniversary ACE Bali Apr 25, 2015
ACE Bali 15th Birthday Anniversary and Gathering emphasises on the theme Going Extra Mile. PT. Australindo Graha Nusa has worked together with ACE Bali in achieving a successful exhibition, seminar and Birthday celebration.