IABHI | Jun 16, 2015

IABHI | Jun 16, 2015

Ikatan Ahli Bangunan Hijau Indonesia (IABHI) held a one day seminar covering the topic of Green Building: Indonesia’s Ability in Continuous Building Development.

This event was attended by architects, developers, and consultants whose works are not only correlated with mechanical and electrical but also with their interest and involvement in Green Building.

Australindo Graha Nusa believes and support IABHI’s involvement in Sustainable Green Building. With this in mind, our AGN team was prepared in promoting green solutions in educating IABHI participants in our Integrated Control System, BΩSS electrical accessories and piping system. We believe with the help of ICS control system and great planning, a household or a commercial area can achieve low and efficient electrical and water consumption.